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  • Beautiful scene
    - at night folktale
  • Barbuaba Primary School
    - section of pupils during a tale session
  • A Section of the Kusabilla Narrators
  • A folktale Session during the day

Reinvigorating our Intangible Cultural Heritage for a Better Life


This is an independent, non-governmental, and non-partisan organisation that is focused on empowering people to achieve their full potentials and enabling communities to thrive. We seek to achieve our objectives by leveraging on the power and instrumentality of all forms of popular culture namely folktales, riddles, songs, dance, proverbs, docu-dramas, paintings, among others.

These forms of popular culture are powerful tools for connecting people to modern scientific ways of empowerment without disconnecting them from their roots and cultures. These forms of popular culture are a unique way of blending culture and modernity for transformation. 

We seek to bring change through women empowerment, environmental transformation, good health practices and education.


Collection of Folktales

This folktale is collected from a Kusaal speaking community in the Upper Region of Ghana. It is recorded under the project titled: Documenting the Folktales of the Kusaas through Stories and Illustrations. It is funded by the University of Ghana’s Building a Generation of New Academic in Africa Project III sponsored by the Carnagie Corporation of New York.

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